Illinois Valley Cluster Palm Sunday Service, online Sunday evening at 6 p.m. Arvil Bass, as the Regional Elder for our cluster, has led an effort to create this online offering. It will be hosted at the Eureka Christian Church Facebook page. Our own Donna Gladson recorded the prayers with Arvil. Rev. Dr. Alex Ruth, the new Regional Minister for Transformation is bringing the message. The service will include information on how to contribute to an offering to provide shoes for Afghan refugees. Communion will be celebrated.
Maundy Thursday Meal, Communion, and Tenebrae We will observe Maundy Thursday in the Fellowship Hall with a meal, scripture readings, communion, and tenebrae (or “a service of shadows.”) Though there is much to be said for solemn and silent Maundy Thursday services, children often aren’t a welcome presence. This service will be open to all and we will explain the parts of the service so children understand. Please feel free to invite children, grandchildren, or friends with children.
Good Friday Cross Walk at noon, MCC parking lot On Good Friday, you are invited to gather in our parking lot to walk the Stations of the Cross as a group. We will stop at each station and pray together. You are invited to bring a cross of any size to carry with you - a necklace, palm cross, or a larger table or life-size cross… all are appropriate. As with all of our Holy Week Worship opportunities, children are welcome to participate.
Maundy Thursday/ Good Friday Prayer Vigil Our prayer vigil will begin right after the service on Maundy Thursday (approximately 7:30 p.m.). During that vigil, we keep company with Jesus in prayer, as he asked his disciples to do in the Garden of Gethsemane. We will have materials for prayer available at the church for anyone who wishes to be at the church. You may also sign-up to keep the vigil in your own home. The sign-up sheet is here.
Invitation to provide Easter flowers in memory or honor If you would like to provide Easter flowers in memory or honor of someone, please bring the flowers to church on Easter Sunday. Lilies and other Spring flowers are welcome. Please fill out the form at this link or contact April with the names of those for whom the flowers are given. The names will be in the Easter bulletin.